Coronation Day Banning St, Romsey 1953
Have lots more photos like this but poor quality. If you have any similar photos or negatives LTVAS would be very interested
If you know any names could you please CONTACT Chris giving photo numbers
Photo 1 59 & 61 Banning St. No. 59 was the home of Joseph Townsend, who also owned No. 61
Photo 1b
Photo 2 In the group in front of the shop window 2nd from right is Mrs Hann and far right, standing Rose Blackmore
Photo 3 L to R:- Melita Barlow, Penny Allen, Susanne Barlow, Jenny ?, Iris Eldridge
Photo 4
Photo 5 Mrs Pearce and Mrs Johnson
Photo 6
Photo 7 Jack Bell and Anita Bell (Philpott)
Photo 8 Back:- Christina Moore and Beryl Day Front:- Jean Day and Graham Day
Photo 9 Seated in the doorway of 13 Banning St, Bert Gritt
Photo 10 Mr Emery, centre and Mrs Edith Thornton right. Girl on right is Ann Fielder
Photo 11 Back:- Pam Day, Avril Elworthy and Beryl Johnson. Front:- Anita Philpott
Photo 12 Mrs Amy Jackson at No. 9 Banning Street
Photo 13 Left Mrs Eades and her husband , Lad on right James Leslie Steege, with Mrs Celia & Mr Steege.
Photo 14 Helen (Nell) Philpott and her grandson Andrew Philpott.
Photo 15 Back:-Beryl and Pam Day. Front:- Malcolm Elworthy, Frances Duke and Mark Duke
Photo 16 Iris Eldridge with her daughters Christine and Susan with son Edwin on her lap. Standing on the far right is Mrs Johnson and standing at the left hand door, Mr Tasker.
Photo 17 Couple with baby are Jim Thornton & Rose Thornton with baby Pam Thornton (Davies) Mr Emery, centre left
Photo 18 Centre front is Doris "Dot" Philpott with son Andrew
Photo 19
Photo 20
Photo 21 Inside the Bricklayers Arms Left Photo:- The lady on the left is Margaret Pritchard and the gent on the right is her Husband Cyril(Jim) Right Photo:- Customers around the table shows Flora Townsend 2nd from right