Ron Badminton, Fred Harding
and Stan Hancock in Love Lane 1965

Billy Weeks and Charlie
Edwards end of Middlebridge St 1963

Trouble with street light in
Latimer St
including Chris Levy, Bill
Parsons, Ray Miller, Tom Humby and Ron Badminton
Photo by the late Ben Read
who worked in Industrial Developments on the right in

Chris Levy in Council depot rear of Wakefords the

Ray Miller

Bill Weeks in Romsey Market Place

Strongs trailers in position getting ready for Charter
celebrations in 1957
Tom Humby council foreman front left

Another view with a few names (Thanks to Chas Burnett)

Jack Martin and Arthur Sanger
at the Romsey Memorial Park

George Underwood in entrance
to depot rear of Wakeford's the dentist in the Hundred.
This is now Wakeford Court

Dennis Perry dustcart

Fred Harding mechanical road
sweeper driver

Fred Harding driving new road
sweeper in Tadfield Rd 1970

Gordon Pragnell frequent visitor
to depot with his Morris Minor van

Gordon Stevens

On the left can be seen the
road salter and gritter

Stan Hancock with his trusty
The big metal shed was later
removed for access to new mess room see photo below

This council depot was where Wakeford Court now stands
This was the newly converted mess-room

This council depot was where Wakeford Court now stands
rear of what was Wakefords the dentist
South front houses can be seen through the trees.

Yours truly with my pride and joy

View from electricians work shop. Bill Parsons in

Workers leaving Town Hall with
their pay packets with Bill Weeks right

Ray Miller, Dougie Dunford (SEB)
and Ron Badminton

Wilfie Cox and Dennis Perry

Romsey Boro dustcart well
and truly..

Mr Bell, Boro Surveyor
checking the damage

Electricians (me) workshop?

Ray Miller and Chris Levy

Stan Hancock and Ray Miller
helping with Christmas tree installation

Stan Hancock (plumber) and Jenny
Hatch (office girl)

Christmas tree time, by Town
Hall underground toilets

Erecting Christmas tree in market

Ron Badminton and Chris Levy putting star on Xmas tree

Jim Viney in the Romsey
Council depot in the Hundred

John Wiltshire (Father run the
Tudor Rose pub)

Bill Weeks, Charles Edwards,
Frank Philpot and George Coombes

Ray Miller, Stan Hancock and
Bill Parsons

Ron Moody, Ron Badminton, Stan
Hancock and Ray Miller

Arthur Sanger with shower
block and mess room behind him

Stan Hancock plumber with
his means of transport

Stan Hancock in the
storeroom office

Ray Miller and Stan Hancock
in the storeroom office

Dustcarts, Karrier lorry and
my little Reliant Regal 325 Super

Alex Terry Romsey Borough Council
Dustcart driver

Alma Rd depot after merge
with Test Valley Borough Council