Woodley Folk In The 60's & 70's - 1

These are lots of photos taken in the 1960's & 1970's Most are taken in Woodley Close.

If you have any photos you would like to add or if you would like a bigger version please contact me.

Woodley Fetes

Mostly at Woodley Grange

"Miss Woodley" 1967


"Miss Woodley" Competition 1966 Winner Sheila Bobbett, 3rd from left. (No 8)

No. 3 is Angela Reeves


Diana Green presenting sash to Miss Woodley Winner, Hazel Rose 1970 (No 9 below)


"Miss Woodley" Competition  June 6th 1970

Brenda Chappell, Hazel Rose (9) Linda Dewey (7) ? Dewey (8) Tish Chappell (6) & Carol Wheeler-Osman (5)


Bridget Dittrich 1969


Tish Chappell at Woodley Fete on June 6th 1970


Joe Dittrich at Woodley Fete, Woodley Grange


Carol Wheeler-Osman at Woodley Fete, Woodley Grange on June 6th 1970


Jenny Woods's baby Lisa with Steve Woods at Woodley Fete, Woodley Grange, June 6th 1970


Angela Porter (Appleby), Jenny Woods with baby Lisa at Woodley Fete, Woodley Grange, June 6th 1970


Julie Milsom at a Woodley Fete


Miss Woodley

Miss Woodley Jean Parker (year ?)


Dee Callen

Susan Dewey, Dee Callen


Miss Woodley(Sally Moore) receives a bouquet from Sylvia Young at

Woodley Youth Fete and flower show in 1965  at Wills Farmhouse, Woodley Lane

Club Chairman Mr. I Robinson is on the left and top right is Norman Langdon local PC and Club Leader


Wills Woodley Fete

Peter Clark from Southern TV opens Woodley fete at Geoffrey Wills farm in Woodley Lane, 1975

Using a Radio Woodley microphone

Brian Emstritch far left and Tish Chappell (with glasses) to Peter Clark's right


Photo taken in 1980 of Woodley Grange shortly before it became a rest home.

 The house was owned by Alec and Joyce Rolfe from 1964 until it was sold to the owners of the rest home.


Another view taken in 1980 of Woodley Grange shortly before it became a rest home.

 The house was owned by Alec and Joyce Rolfe from 1964 until it was sold to the owners of the rest home.